Home Remedies For Fever In Pregnancy – Safe and Reliable Solutions

Pregnancy brings joy but also challenges, including the risk of fever from infections or other causes. Fever indicates your body fighting illness but can impact both your health and your baby’s development.

It’s essential to address fever safely and promptly, avoiding medications that could harm your baby. This post will explore natural home remedies to reduce fever during pregnancy and prevention tips.

Did you know that you can use home remedies to reduce your odor? The benefits and possible uses of home remedies are unlimited.

Let’s first understand fever’s implications in pregnancy.

Risks and Management

Fever, a rise in body temperature above 100.4°F (38°C), is a common sign of various illnesses including colds, flu, and infections. It results from the immune system’s response to fight off these conditions, often leading to increased white blood cell and antibody production, making it harder for germs to thrive.

However, fever can also bring discomfort and complications like headaches, dehydration, and muscle aches.

Why is it Dangerous?

During pregnancy, fever carries more significant concerns. It can present risks to the unborn child, including the possibility of birth defects, miscarriage, or premature labor.

Various studies have suggested a connection between maternal fever in the first trimester and an increased likelihood of congenital heart and neural tube defects in the baby. Additionally, there are indications that fever during the second trimester may be associated with a heightened risk of preterm birth.


Given these risks, pregnant women should closely monitor their body temperature. Medical advice is crucial if a fever exceeds 100.4°F (38°C) for over 24 hours or if other serious infection symptoms like rash or abdominal pain appear.

Prevention: Key Considerations

Key Considerations - pregnant woman fever

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it’s also important to be mindful of your health and take steps to prevent potential problems. One of the things you can do to stay healthy during pregnancy is to take steps to prevent fever.

Hygiene and Vaccination

Maintaining good hygiene practices is crucial for preventing fever during pregnancy. Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before and after eating, after using the restroom, and after blowing your nose or coughing.

If soap and water are unavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Avoiding close contact with sick individuals is another effective preventive measure.

If you must be around someone who is ill, wear a mask and maintain a distance of at least six feet. Vaccinations are essential for protecting yourself and your developing baby from potentially serious illnesses.

Get vaccinated against influenza and other recommended viruses as advised by your healthcare provider.

Nutrition and Hydration

A healthy diet is vital for strengthening your immune system and reducing your susceptibility to fever. Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

These nutrient-dense foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support your body’s natural defenses. Staying hydrated is equally important during pregnancy.

Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, including water, juice, and herbal teas. Adequate hydration helps maintain your body’s temperature regulation and prevents dehydration, which can contribute to fever.

Rest, Clothing, and Exercise

Adequate rest is crucial for overall health and well-being during pregnancy. Aim for at least 8 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to rest and recharge.

Sufficient sleep helps reduce stress levels and promotes immune function. Dressing in layers is a practical approach to regulating your body temperature and preventing fever.

Wear lightweight and breathable clothing during warmer periods and add layers as needed when the temperature drops. This allows you to adjust your clothing to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

Regular physical activity, as approved by your healthcare provider, can improve blood circulation and temperature regulation. Engage in moderate-intensity exercises like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga, but avoid strenuous activities that may cause overheating.

Home Remedies

Home Remedies

Treating fever during pregnancy can be safely managed with some home remedies, but it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider before trying them. These remedies are not only simple but also effective in lowering body temperature and alleviating symptoms.

Lemon for Fever Relief

Lemon stands out as a versatile remedy, rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties combat fever-causing germs, and as a natural detoxifier, it helps eliminate toxins.

To use lemon for fever during pregnancy, you can try the following methods:

  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass of warm water, and drink it several times a day. You can also add some honey, ginger, or mint, to enhance the taste and the benefits.
  • Cut a lemon into two pieces, and place them on the soles of your feet. Then, cover them with wet cotton socks, and wear another pair of dry wool socks over them. Leave them on for about 20 minutes, and repeat twice a day. This can help draw out the heat and the toxins from your body and lower your body temperature.
  • Rub some lemon juice on your forehead, temples, and neck, and let it dry. This can help cool down your skin and reduce headaches.

Vinegar’s Role in Fever Management

Vinegar, particularly apple cider vinegar, is known for its ability to reduce fever. Its acetic acid content cools the body, and its antibacterial and antifungal properties prevent complications.

Rich in essential minerals, vinegar can be used in various ways.

  • Add half a cup of vinegar to a bathtub of warm water, and soak in it for about 10 minutes. This can help reduce your body temperature and relax your muscles.
  • Soak a washcloth in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water, and wring out the excess. Then, place it on your forehead, chest, or back, and change it every few minutes. It is used to cool down your body and relieve your symptoms.
  • Mix one tablespoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, and drink it twice a day. This can help boost your immune system and prevent dehydration.

Holy Basil’s Healing Properties

Holy basil, or tulsi, is revered for its medicinal properties. It combats infections and inflammation, thanks to its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory qualities.

For using holy basil to alleviate fever during pregnancy, consider these approaches:

  • Prepare a holy basil infusion by boiling a handful of the leaves in two cups of water until the volume is halved. Strain this concoction and consume it multiple times throughout the day. Enhancing it with honey, ginger, or black pepper not only improves the flavor but also amplifies its health benefits.
  • Incorporate fresh or dried holy basil leaves into your diet by chewing them directly or adding them to salads, soups, or teas. This method allows you to benefit from the herb’s natural properties.
  • Gently massage holy basil oil onto your forehead, chest, or back. This practice aids in stimulating blood flow and can contribute to reducing fever symptoms.

You Can Also Consider

Fever In Pregnancy Home Remedies you can use for prevention

These are some additional remedies one can consider.


Raisins, naturally sweet dried grapes, are beneficial during fevers in pregnancy due to their glucose and fructose content, providing essential energy and hydration. They’re also rich in antioxidants like phenols and flavonoids, aiding in fighting infections and reducing inflammation, while their iron content helps in preventing anemia, a frequent issue during fevers.

For managing fever during pregnancy with raisins, consider these approaches:

  • Soak a handful of raisins in water for an hour until they soften. Mash them, strain the mixture, and enhance it with a bit of lemon juice. Drinking this twice daily can aid in reducing body temperature and strengthening your immune system.
  • Incorporate raisins directly into your diet by eating them as they are or by adding them to foods like cereals, yogurts, or smoothies to enjoy their health benefits.

Olive Oil and Garlic

Incorporating olive oil and garlic, staples in Mediterranean cooking, can also be effective in managing fever. Olive oil, known for its healthy fats, aids in reducing inflammation and lubricating muscles and joints.

Garlic acts as a natural antibiotic, combating fever-causing bacteria and bolstering the immune system. Their combined warming effect can promote sweating, aiding in temperature reduction.

  • Peel and crush a few cloves of garlic, and mix them with some olive oil. Then, apply the mixture on your chest, back, or feet, and cover with a cloth. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, and repeat twice a day. This can help draw out the heat and the toxins from your body and reduce fever.
  • Begin by heating a pan with olive oil, then incorporate minced garlic and a small amount of salt. Allow the mixture to cook for a few minutes before enjoying it alongside bread or crackers. This remedy can provide relief for your throat and stomach, as well as aid in preventing nausea and vomiting.


Ginger, a long-valued spice in traditional medicine, is effective against fever due to its anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and fever-reducing properties. Compounds like gingerols and shogaols in ginger stimulate sweat glands, aiding in temperature control.

It’s also beneficial for relieving fever-related symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headaches, and congestion.

To utilize ginger as a remedy for fever during pregnancy, consider these methods:

  • Prepare a ginger infusion by boiling a teaspoon of grated ginger in a cup of water for about 10 minutes. After straining, consume this liquid multiple times throughout the day. Enhancing it with honey, lemon, or cinnamon not only improves the flavor but also amplifies its health benefits.
  • Take a small piece of ginger and gently chew it, allowing the juice to be swallowed. This method can aid in decongesting your throat and nose, as well as in reducing fever.
  • Create a mixture using ginger and turmeric to form a paste. Apply this paste to your forehead, chest, or back. This application is beneficial in alleviating inflammation and pain, and it also assists in lowering body temperature.


Can physical activity help reduce symptoms?

Moderate physical activity, as approved by a healthcare provider, can improve blood circulation and aid in temperature regulation, potentially helping to reduce fever. However, it’s important to avoid strenuous activities that might lead to overheating.

Are there any specific fruits recommended to consume for this issue?

Fruits rich in vitamin C, like oranges, strawberries, and kiwi, can be beneficial during a fever due to their immune-boosting properties. However, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Is it safe to take a lukewarm bath to alleviate the symptoms?

Yes, taking a lukewarm bath can help lower body temperature during a fever. It’s important to ensure the water is not too hot to avoid overheating, which can be harmful during pregnancy.

Can staying in a well-ventilated room help with this problem?

Yes, staying in a well-ventilated room can help regulate body temperature and provide comfort during a fever. Fresh air circulation is beneficial, but avoid direct drafts or extreme temperature changes.

How important is it to monitor fever duration during pregnancy?

It’s crucial to monitor the duration of a fever during pregnancy. If the fever persists for more than 24 hours or is accompanied by other symptoms, medical advice should be sought immediately, as it could indicate a more serious condition.

Can hydration with electrolyte-rich drinks be beneficial during a fever in pregnancy?

Yes, staying hydrated with electrolyte-rich drinks, like coconut water or electrolyte solutions, can be beneficial during a fever. They help replenish lost electrolytes and prevent dehydration, which is important for both maternal and fetal health.

Final Words

Fever during pregnancy can be a serious problem, that can affect your health and your baby’s development. That’s why it’s important to treat it as soon as possible and to do it in a safe and reliable way.

There are some natural and effective home remedies that can help you lower your body temperature, relieve your symptoms, and speed up your recovery. However, before you try any of these home remedies, make sure to consult your doctor or midwife first, to rule out any serious causes of fever, and to confirm that the remedies are safe for you and your baby.