About Us

At Mothers in Medicine, we are your go-to source for insights, support, and inspiration for mothers who are balancing the demands of a medical career with the joys and challenges of motherhood.

Our journey began with a passion for helping fellow physician-moms navigate the complexities of their dual roles, and we have since grown into a supportive community dedicated to empowering women in medicine.

Our Mission

Our mission at Mothers in Medicine is to inspire, educate, and connect mothers in the medical field.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, our content is crafted to provide valuable insights, practical tips, and a sense of camaraderie.

We strive to cover every aspect of life as a mother and a medical professional, offering resources that help you thrive both at home and in your practice.

At our Editorial Policy, you can learn more about what we intend and how we want to do.

Meet the Authors

Martina Hwong

Greetings, I am Martina Hwong. With over two decades of experience in the medical field, I have dedicated my life to the pursuit of health and healing.

Chaya Hilton

Hi, I’m Chaya Hilton, and I juggle the roles of a mother and a doctor with passion and dedication.

Join Our Community

At Mothers in Medicine, we are a community, and you’re a part of it. Your feedback, stories, and passion help shape our content and our journey. Join us as we explore the intricacies of motherhood and medicine, and share our adventures with the world.